Dialog Box

Official Opening of our new home in Granville

This Monday saw the official opening of our new children and young person’s home in Granville, marking our expansion into Western Sydney and the culmination of a huge amount of dedication and hard work. 

Taldumande Chair, Virginia Howard OAM, The Hon. Rose Jackson MLC, John Singleton AM and Taldumande's CEO, Lisa Graham

The opening began with an Aboriginal smoking ceremony, a powerful and poignant way of bringing guests together in a ritual performed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for thousands of years to cleanse and ward off bad spirits.

The new service in Granville will provide safe and secure supported accommodation for vulnerable, homeless and disadvantaged children and young people aged between 12 and 17 with a specific focus on providing support services to young Aboriginal people.

Minister Rose Jackson unveils her first parliamentary plaque!

Among others, we were incredibly honoured to be supported by Rose Jackson, NSW Minister for Housing & Homelessness who took time out of her busy schedule on the same day as she announced a further 2-year extension for Specialist Homelessness Services through to 2026 and Lisa Lake, Mayor of Cumberland.

Our expansion into the Greater Parramatta region would not have been made possible without the generous support of several private donors including John Singleton and our friends at The Chappell Foundation.

We look forward to keeping you up to date on the development of this new service.

Please support us by donating to our cause today

Many of our programs fall outside government funding, which means we rely on money raised from individuals and organisations to continue our vital work.


05 June 2023
Category: News