Dialog Box

Keeping Our Children and Young People Safe

Our Commitment

Taldumande Youth Services is committed to the safety and protection of all children and young people who use our services.
We will continue to empower their voices and ensure that their welfare and best interests are paramount.

As a Child Safe Organisation, Taldumande:

  • Actively promotes a child safe culture across the organisation and within our communities
  • Have clear policies and procedures in place that protect, support and empower young people and strengthen our commitment to the health, safety and wellbeing all children and young people
  • Have clear policies, procedures and training in place for responding to alleged or suspected incidents of child abuse
  • Ensure all children and young people have an active voice and that their welfare and best interests are paramount
  • Actively promote safe physical and online environments for all children and young people using our services
National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

Taldumande Youth Services has adopted and has embedded the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations across the organisation.

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Child Safe Code of Conduct

Taldumande Youth Services Child Safe Code of Conduct is a document signed by all staff and volunteers outlining the expected behaviours from all members of our organisation, and behaviours that are unacceptable, when interacting with children and young people.

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Child Safety Statement of Commitment

Taldumande Youth Services statement of commitment affirms our commitment to child safety by clearly stating we have zero tolerance for child abuse and that we actively work to listen to and empower children and young people.

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Active Voice

At Taldumande Youth Services, we firmly believe in providing every child and young person in our services with a voice that deserves to be heard. If you have any concerns or would like to make any suggestions for improvement to our services, please contact us and let us know.

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Child Safety and Complaints Procedure

To review a brief rundown of our complaint process, click here or if you would like to read our complete complaint policy click here.

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Client Safety Poster
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