Dialog Box

Youth Justice Diversionary

These programs support young people who are either referred to Taldumande through Youth Justice NSW and assessed as having a medium to high risk of offending, or children and young people aged 12– 17 years held inappropriately in custody, and in need of crisis accommodation in partnership with the Bail Assistance Line (BAL). 

Young Offenders Intervention Program

Clients are referred to the program through Youth Justice NSW and assessed as having a medium to high risk of offending. Accommodation is provided for young people who are unable to return home due to legal orders or unsafe environments.

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Bail Assistance Line

Taldumande Youth Services are in partnership with the Bail Assistance Line (BAL) who are funded by Youth Justice NSW to take referrals for children and young people 12– 17 years held inappropriately in custody, and in need of crisis accommodation.

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